Day 2: The Pool!
With Dad manning the breakfast kitchen, cleaning up and then going to have a shower, I’m sure it felt like an eternity before getting to the pool for Rachael. We also had to have some lunch too and do some comprehensive sunscreen before we got there. Well, we did spend part of the morning outside playing frisbee (2 attempts then quit) and bubbles with the bubble-gun, so it wasn’t all duty!
Anyway, Dad and Rachael did venture down to the pool at 1pm while Seth was napping. Rachael immediately became “The Teacher” throwing the Seal pool sinking sticks into the deeper water for Dad to dive for/fetch. Phrases “Come on!”, “Just get them!” were used many times. Rachael’s teeth were chattering as intermittent winds came through. I asked many times “are you too cold?” “Not too cold” the reply quickly came back. She then suddenly sprang up and exclaimed “Oh! I need to poo!”. We packed up and headed back to the cabin, passing an awake-and-ready-to-pool Seth with Mum.
Rach only had wees and we headed back to join them at the pool. Rach resumed demonstrating the game to a new audience with Dad fetching again. Rachael then also did many in the shallow section to the applause of Seth.
After a while Rachael was shaking violently from the cold while still claiming it “wasn’t too bad!”. We headed back to the cabin to get dressed and then into Bright town for ice-cream.
Dad/share with Seth: Peanut Butter. Sarah: Lemon and Raspberry gelato. Rachael: Smarties in Vanilla. We walked to the river, trying to desperately silence Seth’s cries and “Noooooo”‘s with spoons of ice-cream every 10 metres. Down at the river we did get another “Ooooooh!” from him at the sight of the rushing river water. We then took a look at the water splash park – Rachael loved it, but we were unequipped and had a Seth that was nearing the end of his tether. Rachael was not happy about moving on from there and swatted away my hand angrily when we went to cross the road.
From there I received a call that someone had found our cabin key on the street, which came out of my pocket at some stage of child wrangling. I ducked into Woolies for dinner supplies and then loaded the fam in the car to return home.
We got the key back from reception and took the kids back to the playground once Seth had a nap. The bouncing pillow was flat but Rach still had fun with some new friends. Dad was shooting some hoops. Mum and Seth on the slides. Rach was sad to leave Mila as we left for dinner & bed. She was very adventurous and go-getting, swinging Rachael high on the child swing. She also played with Tyler – the boy always on his bike around the park. We chatted to his dad Daniel (a cop who works with Bodyjar’s drummer), remarking on my Bodyjar t-shirt.
Seth was in bed shortly after 7 and Rach asked to join at the same time! Seth went down with only a little fuss and crossing fingers it continues!