Day 4: The Big Playground
Seth woke up at 7am again (almost on the dot) and Rach was singing “This Band Is Back” to him. I think he’s heard it so much that he knows what to sing back now. It’s become the theme song of this trip. They then were cracking themselves laughing while doing raspberries – not as much of a sleep in as yesterday morning! We made good time in the morning and were heading into town at 9:20am.
We headed straight for the big playground (after a look at the river and a trip across the bridge, lead by Rachael). Plenty to walk around and Seth did well going up and down the steps. He has otherwise been a bit clingy, we think due to some new teeth coming through, but you wouldn’t know it of a morning as he gleefully stomps laps around the coffee table.
We then walked the main streets, up one side and back the other. We ducked into the bakery for a “smiley face wis sprinkles” and a danish for Seth and Mum to share. Rach was pretty excited being talked to directly by the lovely lady Jenny, and then making her request. Somehow bakeries always have the thing she is after, even when it’s a bit left field.
There were heaps of dogs being walked, which Rach was not happy with. The dogs fighting outside the newsagents and making a commotion did not help.
We finished up with a quick Woolworths shop for milk and yoghurt and went back to the car.
The rest of the afternoon was camp playground visits and resting back at the cabin. Rach did manage to catch Charlie and Josh in the last session between dinner and bathtime. The kids had a great time stacking on Josh and chasing him around the deflating kangaroo jumper.
Rachael: "What does it say on your t-shirt?" Charlie: "Something about Santa, I don't remember" (Santa Cruz circle t-shirt)
Seth preferred to just watch the madness and sip his water. Daniel’s little girl Maddie, around the same age, is the complete opposite – getting bounced all over the place and teeming around everywhere on her tricycle. She loved Rachael for playing peek-a-boo, paying her special attention and encouraging and helping her to walk.
Bath and bed for Seth while Rachael and Dad watched a Maths Circus on her “iTablet” (Leap Pad 3) – she is very good at numbers and counting on fingers now! I only made a small suggestion for bed time and she immediately took it while rubbing her eyes – another big day of playing on holiday!