Friend Tribute One: Dirk Van Dalen

[IMG] Name: Dirk Van Dalen Era: HS > VCE Characteristics: Fun, Loyal, Killer Dancer, Happy, Infectiously Happy, Infectiously Fun Genius at: Soccer, Poker, Philosophy, Japanese Favorite Memories: After Scottie’s birthday party, most of the crew returned to Matt’s house for post-drinks and general invading of cheese from the fridge. Dirk and I stayed up and watched Letterman and MAD TV – where, for the […]

A lost memory…

MATHS 2004 Mrs Koch writes on board: ‘INSTATANEOUS VELOCITY’ [leaves out an ‘n’ in the first word; we were talking about that for a bit] Reece [hypo] writes in book: INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY [spelled correctly] Jasmine [also hypo]: leans over and tries to cross out the ‘n’ Reece: wrestles Jasmine’s hand away Matt [from Reece’s other side; always hypo]: scribbles out […]

A Round of Golf

Some player reviews, after a round of golf in 2005, that I found sitting in one of my old blog exports. It was part of a bigger blog outlining the events of one busy day. Reece – had to warm up golf-wise and once he did, spanked it off the tee. One memorable shot was when he drove off the […]