Movie Weekend 23rd July
For ages Sarah and I were saying we should have a movie weekend where we got out all the old favorites and watched them all. Firstly, on Saturday was Three To Tango. I think must have seen that a lot of times now, and that’s ok, because it just doesn’t seem to get any less funnier every time you watch it! Then it was back to my house (which was supposedly meant to be quiet) to watch Lost In Translation. Also very good. The lip my stocking lady is definitely Sarah’s most favourite part. Yeah, it is FUNNY!
Not really expecting to see her again Sunday, I got a msg that she had done all her homework before I even woke up (this being 1pm-ish) and had nothing to do. So next movie Garden State. I managed to refresh Tom’s mind on the “once,twice,three times a lady” song. We were singing it all day! And if you don’t know what I’m talking about you should really go see it! See them all!
Sarah – 26/07/2005 8:15:32 PM
damn right it was an awesome weekend… i love those movies, i was thinking we should go again (to the cinemas) sometime soon…