Planes Made Fun

Planes Made Fun

When I was travelling on a plane recently my mind kept ticking over with ideas to make the journey more enjoyable. Most were aimed at making other passengers completely uncomfortable for one’s own enjoyment.

Here are some of the ideas:

  1. Look in the seat pocket and exclaim ‘Sick bags! Oh goodie!’
  2. Childishly yell ‘Weeeeeeee!’ when the plane experiences sudden drops in altitude
  3. Occasionally do ‘double-takes’ out the window, particularly if you are on a wing seat
  4. Point vaguely out the window and ask a fellow traveller: “Is that bit meant to do that?”, making sure others overhear
  5. During the flight look into your carry-on luggage bag and say “Quiet Sebastian, they don’t know you’re on the plane!”
  6. Ask loudly: “Does anyone else hear that ticking?’
  7. Propose to a stranger on the plane and see if they are able to turn you down in front of a captive audience
  8. When someone takes longer than 5 seconds to identify their luggage at the carousel, charge up to them and yell ‘What the hell are you doing touching my luggage!!?’

..or read a book, I suppose. Happy travels!