Out and About
How about those bad drivers, ey?

How about those bad drivers, ey?

Driving home from the blood bank tonight, I encountered numerous bad drivers. One silver car slowed down to 6km/h to go around a corner and could not, for the life of them, keep in their own lane. Then the car approached the highway via a slip lane. Whilst looking down the infinitely barren highway, it still seemed somewhat necessary for the driver to come to a complete stop and remain stopped for an eternity.

In another incident on the way home, a driver of a large 4WD (you know, the completely unnecessary for urban driving kind) weaved about, flew down the right lane and through a red light camera intersection. The lights were green, so no problem there. But most would know that many red light camera intersections are also speed camera intersections. Not this driver. FLASH! When I see reckless drivers like this I forget about all the revenue raising hype that is often paired with speed cameras, sit back and watch the suckers get pinged!

I suddenly realised that my blood donation tonight could save the life of such drivers when they are in an horrific car accident. A double edged sword; saving the life of a person also means keeping such burdens on society on our roads.

Mmm, bit harsh.

Drive safely!
(..or i’ll stick an “I told ya so” sticker on the crumpled remains of your car.)
