New Year Evolutions 2015

New Year Evolutions 2015

Welcome to 2015!

A topic of conversation that often comes up around the new year is ‘new years resolutions’. Personally, I don’t like making drastic resolutions but often have an idea of what things I want to achieve in the upcoming year. They are all reasonable and achievable, and usually just hinge on me using my time wisely.


My work is fairly laid back regarding working hours. I got in to a bit of a habit of coming in late and staying late towards the end of last year, so I want to arrive at work no later than 9:15am everyday. While it is not strictly necessary, I am determined to make a habit of it as I am often late.

I am going to study Java outside hours, with no pressure to take the certification test. If I feel like I am naturally and comfortably prepared, I will take the test. Primarily, I want to know everything contained in the Java universe so I can confidently answer any questions that the newbies fire at me.


It’s clear that I’ve fallen off the bandwagon in terms of fitness (and made no attempt to run and catch up!) and I am currently the heaviest I’ve ever been. As an absolute minimum I am going to run at least twice a week. Although I have been running less frequently, I have found that my cardio fitness has not significantly dropped, which is very encouraging for getting back into it.

My car is out of action and I have been a bit limited in terms of what I can do after work hours while Sarah has the new car. However, she has now quit her job and will be freelancing this year until we depart for Munich, so the car will now be more available. Combining this and having Sarah home at a reasonable hour means I have both transport and a gym buddy! We will gym it up on the non-running days at least twice a week. I aim to look and feel a bit better in a suit for our upcoming wedding and engagement season.


The new car availability will also enable me to give more blood after work. I would like to give plasma or platelets at least once a month.

I’m a technology tinkerer. I like playing with homebrew, hacks, root kits and doing some general messing about. This sometimes enables the ability to easily steal things. I did as such as a means to an end when I was young, but now I feel financially comfortable enough to occasionally reward the good work of people around me. I paid money for a great app I had been using for quite a while and it felt good. So, if something is legitimately good I will buy it legitimately.

Free Time

There was a large period of last year where I didn’t watch a single movie. Towards the end of last year I then watched more movies than I had in the last 6 months. There is a lot of great cinema out there, plenty of movies on the “must watch list” and things ingrained in pop culture that I have passed over. So this year I want to watch more movies.

I have read 60% of a book and then sort of got distracted and never finished it. So I would like to re-read and finish “The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared”

I want to finish listening to the “Get This” podcasts. I have listened to all 171 episodes of 2006 and 55/187 episodes of 2007. So quotable.

I got a great game on the Wii a long time ago and never got around to playing it. So I should at least start to play Okami. Who wouldn’t want to play as a white wolf that is a sun goddess!?

I am looking to finish my game “Sharp Shooter”. It’s close to complete and also needs a bit more polish – including some music. I would like to tee up a session with my brother and my musical mates to record some fat riffs for the stage soundtracks.