A lost memory…
MATHS 2004
Mrs Koch writes on board: ‘INSTATANEOUS VELOCITY’ [leaves out an ‘n’ in the first word; we were talking about that for a bit]
Reece [hypo] writes in book: INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY [spelled correctly]
Jasmine [also hypo]: leans over and tries to cross out the ‘n’
Reece: wrestles Jasmine’s hand away
Matt [from Reece’s other side; always hypo]: scribbles out whole heading in Reece’s book
Reece: “..right that’s it I’m calling chubb… [picks up calculator and starts dialing buttons] hello? yeah…yeah thats right…about 5 mins ago…yep curly hair that’s the one… just follow the smoke trail….ok…..yep….thanks”
[points at matt:] ‘five minutes.’ [does finger across throat signal]Matt and Jasmine: wetting their pants
VOX Apr 5, 2008