Look at my forehead, it’s so big its a sixhead! Sarah commentating a photo of a baby with a large forehead
Look at my forehead, it’s so big its a sixhead! Sarah commentating a photo of a baby with a large forehead
It’s an angry chip I found in a packet – unmodified…
Wind (as in to wind up a toy) is a really shit word…
Sheldon Cooper: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
The best things in life are free – and how true is that!? Love, friendship …your neighbors wi-fi signal
Sarah says some interesting things in her sleep – if I remember them, I plan to keep a record of them here: Laughing (it’s scary) “Shaula, are you awake??” “It’s getting cloudy… … …I find that funny” “Woooaah..” (tone of quiet amazement) “We’re going to Pyramid Rock” “Yeah, but not to the zoo …to the factory.” “You put the numbers […]