10,000 days on earth

10,000 days on earth

Today is my 10,000 day birthday!

It was more intense than a usual day because I had a call with Germany last night that detailed a lot of stuff that I have to get done before I leave for Bluesfest next week. I struggled to make ground in the morning because when you’re determined to get a lot done, inevitably, everyone wants to distract you. Questions and requests coming from the boss, co-workers in and out of the office and from the business team in India. For some reason Friday’s are always crazy, even without these approaching deadlines! I dispatched all requests as quickly as possible and managed to get a lot more done in the afternoon.

Work has indeed been exhausting lately, but still very rewarding. I listen to a lot of music when I code (pretty cool perk of the job) and I have consequently run my Spotify library dry. Thus, I ended up listening to really obscure artists to power through all the crazy complex work I had to get done. Here’s my favourites:

JytäjyrsijätHiekkalaatikon Merirosvoaarre (a Finnish children’s rock band)
heidi. – Freedom (a Japanese visual kei rock band)
己龍 (Kiryu) – Kyoukasuigetsu (a Japanese visual kei rock band)

I had to lay on the couch when I got home and have some “TV watching recovery time” with the cat!


If ever I needed an injection of endorphins into my withered brain, it was now.
So it was time to go out for a run! I would have liked to have gone yesterday but the weather was horrendous – massive winds and rain.

The winds were still about, but, I’m back to running around 5min/kms.
That’s a course PB!

10,000 on and still up and about in the game.
I’ll be 20,000 on the 12th of August 2042. Hopefully I’ll still be here and will have achieved at least twice as much by then!

(PS. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owner of the ‘days on earth’ concept: Nick Cave)